Fr Dwight Longenecker
Fr Dwight Longenecker
Fr Dwight Longenecker
Fr Dwight Longenecker is the author of Mystery of the Magi-The Quest to Identify the Three Wise Men Read his blog, browse his books and be in touch
Fr Dwight Longenecker
Where are the relics of the three wise men?
Fr Dwight Longenecker
A Catholic’s Guide to the Post-Orlando Shouting Matches
Fr Dwight Longenecker
Mass? What’s the Point?
Fr Dwight Longenecker
Pope Francis vs Francis Underwood
Fr Dwight Longenecker
The Sacrifice of the Mass Is More Than a Fellowship Meal
Fr Dwight Longenecker
The Mystery of Mary, Motherhood and Sexuality
Fr Dwight Longenecker
Is It Time for a US Christian Democracy Party?
Fr Dwight Longenecker
Poland’s Passion, a Pope and Divine Providence
Fr Dwight Longenecker